For our Winter Solstice release, we are pleased to announce that "Fernworthy" by texlahoma is now available. This cdr comes in a wrap-around cover of a photo taken this summer from Fernworthy Stone circle, within is a hand painted cover, using acrylic on white card. "Fernworthy" is made up of four parts, all inspired by a trip to Dartmoor this July, and more specificly these tracks are a meditation on fernworthy stone circle, the woods, and surrounding area. texlahoma on this recording is Matthew Shaw, and was made using vocals, Moog Prodigy, PostcardWeevil08, Buddha Box and ipod touch applications.
the album “Fernworthy”
finds Tex La Homa drawing us in with some dense and wholly
satisfying dronescapes, the sounds rich in textures, as the music moves
through four parts with the long opening sequence giving way to some
deep space exploration as part two walks around the outside of the
vessel. Gentlest of all part three is light and graceful, ripples of
notes and the wind in the trees adding a sense of movement to the track,
before part four returns to the deep space chattering with playful
abandon, the sound of an electronic firework display. Released on Matt
Shaws own Apollolann label, this is an excellent example of drone with a
human face.