To celebrate Samhain this year we are very happy to have United Bible Studies continue their Observatory series and bring us The Gascoigne Observatory.
Improvised live in Wicklow, July 2010 the students involved in this performance are
David Colohan - Banjo, Bowing
Brian Conniffe - Loops, Voice
Richard Moult - Keys
Gavin Prior - Banjo, Electronics
Michael Tanner - Bowed loops, Temple Bells, Gong
Suzanne Walsh - Voice
The album was mixed by Michael Tanner at Greenwitch, Dorset.
The Gascoigne Obseravory is released as a numbered edition of 50 copies on cdr with hand printed covers, insert and wrap around outer cover.
Originally formed as a duo with an unhealthy desire to emulate the incredible string band, UBS quickly evolved into a collective and laid the groundwork for the deserted village label and events. Since their formation in winter 2001 they have played and recorded sporadically-never settling on one recording method, never settling on one line-up.
"The Shore that Fears the Sea" album shows a love of the unadorned beauty of Shirley Collins, Anne Briggs and Vashti Bunyan as well as the work of Current 93, Coil and Sol Invictus. Sparse folk sidles up to a more melodic take on free improv and tales of loss and pagan longing abound. If they could exist anywhere, they would be playing in the green man when Sergeant Howie arrives.
Since their sun worship ritual at The Mór Festival in 2003, the students have increased their activities. The set, which included radical reworkings of of some of their quiet new folk songs has been edging towards a more Pharoah Sanders/ Emperor/ Can hybrid thanks to the new drums and horns helping them to blaze brighter in the northern skye.
Live shows throughout Ireland and Britain and most recently the USA (Including Terrastock '08) have seen them wildly improvise with up to twelve members or play straight trad as a trio. Their philosophy is that all paths are equal, all approaches relevant. Members have sometimes met on stage for the first time.
United Bible Studies - The Gascoigne Observatory (Excerpt) by cloisters